Do you feel the loneliness of the long distance runner and want to join a
non-threatening, non-competitive community of business owners?

Welcome to an exclusive community of likeminded experts who are 
innovating, training and supporting one another’s lives and businesses...


of business owners are ‘business lonely', resulting in an economic impact 


years in business, 25 years of this in the Digital Economy


authored books, including the latest 'Business Is Personal' 
published in 2019


BIP100 clients estimate that one in five conversations with BIPPers result in a business opportunity 

Hi there lone wolf,

That is a strange name to give you, and a bit assumptive. However, we know that 70% of business owners are forgetting the power of being in a super-pack. A place where contribution makes the most powerful impact on each other and where business grows through open, real conversations.

  • Being within a community makes a profound difference to business growth, mental strength, resilience and the ability for you to adapt and innovate
  • ​Community values are very different to being in a network because people will share openly and unconditionally with you
  • ​In a community the ‘citizen’s voice' is critical. The community adapts and innovates, just like the best village you can live in
  • ​Community is for mature thinkers, who have wisdom and experience
  • ​Digital technology allows remote working, but excessive time alone can lead to a sense of comparison and self-worth challenges
  • Your personalities and personal values are your unique advantage, community enables you to shine
  • ​'Business Is Personal' is a philosophy and reflects the importance of emotional connections in business
  • ​Building friendships in business leads to financial success
  • ​Being seen for the whole person that you are makes every day feel brighter
  • ​Community provides belonging, a human need that has been forgotten and is resulting in business being tougher

Is BIP100 right for you?

Before we ask you to join us, we seek to ensure that we are right for you and you are right for the community. If this resonates then we would love to talk to you, to understand how we can add value to your life and business. 
Consider these points to see if you would like to have a chat:
  • You experience the loneliness of the long distance runner
  • ​You want to join a non-threatening, non-competitive community
  • ​You would like to grow your business, and learn from other business owners
  • ​You would like us to curate a new network of like-minded people who have open conversations with you
  • ​You would like to be in a heart-centred network of people
  • ​You would like variety, fun and renewed motivation
  • You would like more people that have your back in business and care about you
  • ​You have become tired of hustling alone for business and want to feel more valued
  • ​You like the concept of masterminds, people sharing their challenges, and would like this in your everyday life
  • ​You want to contribute to others, and know that they also want to help you
  • ​You like the idea of a hybrid community, where people meet online and offline

Meet Thomas & Penny

We are not new at connecting people through community. For 25 years we have loved, connected and supported business owners.
It all started when we created the world’s first business social network in 1998, Ecademy, bringing all our values of kindness in business to the new online world. For 25 years we have been connecting business hearts and changing lives. We believe in conversations, not broadcast, to build trusted relationships..
Penny and Ecademy were awarded an OBE in 2014 for the difference they made to the lives of 650,000 business owners through the online platform and the 5000 community events a year across the world.
Penny is known for her deep commitment to business owners, her desire to connect business hearts and her long term desire for people to see the opportunity that being in a community can provide. 
Thomas is globally celebrated for his phenomenal memory and his commitment for connecting people through his passion to make a difference. 
He grew Ecademy to the amazing community it was, having thousands of 121s and traveling the world to visit the events that ‘Ecademists’ ran. He has deep listening and questioning skills, empathy and intuition. Plus he has a very large network across LinkedIn and Twitter that he communicates regularly with.
Penny and Thomas are intimately involved in the daily running of the BIP100 community. 
They have authored many books, speak at conferences, consult on community and are advisors and NEDs. They work hard because they love what they do and are productive and efficient in the running of their small business. They have a great, loyal team and are natural servant leaders.

Let me tell you more about BIP100…

Following our years of experience in running a global, large community, we were inspired to create a smaller, more intimate community with a hybrid model of online and offline interactions.

We capped membership at 100 to ensure intimacy and trust, and focused on creating a diverse community of business owners who shared the values of kindness. BIP100 has a calendar of events designed to connect, learn and look after one another, focused on business growth; motivating each other; accountability; learning about latest trends, such as AI; and new ways to generate leads and connect to discover shared wins.

As a member of BIP100 you get…

A close relationship with us, enabling us to make connections and guide you. 
This begins with your discovery call with Thomas, through to onboarding with Penny.
As the owners of this community we are deeply involved, only a call away. Over time, new members begin to build strong bonds within the community and we continue to see all members on Zooms and at our lunches, as well as through 121 catch ups.
Access to a private Community on Mighty Networks to utilise as your virtual co-working space, for discussions, questions and advice.
The community platform of choice is Mighty Networks, which provides a shared space for members to collaborate and ask questions. The platform's feature of creating 'Spaces' allows for the spotlighting of members and events, plus great conversations and updates. Additionally, members can direct message each other, facilitating communication and networking opportunities.

Access to our full 
Membership Directory
BIP100 App (on iOS and Android) to arrange your 121 conversations.
We created an App, that enables members to have the directory with them all the time. Each member has a personal profile with links to their social channels and their Whatsapp and mobile number, plus a featured video with Penny about their expertise and business. 
A calendar of Zoom Events, 3-4 each week, including Facilitated Networking, Skills Sessions, Wellbeing and Flow Coaching. You can bookmark the calendar in your browser or embed our diary of events in your online calendar. 
A Member platform for recordings of Zooms to remain in the Cloud for continual access. This helps anyone who misses a session that they know would have been of value to them. 
We are aware that members cannot attend all the Zoom events and so our Mighty Networks platform enables critical documents to be stored, plus we save recordings of our online events for members to catch up if they couldn’t attend LIVE and wanted the knowledge.
Monthly face to face London lunches 
(additional cost for food and drink)
We host a monthly informal lunch in a hotel in London, enabling 121s before and after. This is a social event with business opportunities discussed.
Ability to create your own Group and events around your expertise. Examples of these are a Meditation Group, Mastermind group, Digital Tool Advice and AI Chat, all run by your fellow BIPPers.
If you moved into a village and you were a tennis coach, but there was no tennis court, you might create one. We encourage all ‘members’ to create their own Groups and events that they can invite BIPPers to. Member run groups include ‘Lead Generation Support', 'AI Chat’,  'Digital Tool Advice', '90 minute Mastermind' and many more.


A message from Penny & Thomas

Now in our late 50s, our life since 1998 has been dedicated to helping business owners through the power of community, fostering the culture of love and kindness in business. 
Building a community is not easy, and it shouldn’t be. Like you, it takes time for us to find the right clients. When we connect with someone who is interested, we take a huge amount of time to ensure that our community is right for them and that they are right for the community. We have several strong beliefs in business:

We believe in social capital and the asset this brings to people’s businesses. 

We believe that ‘Business Is Personal’ 

We believe that when we are emotionally strong and connected, we are more likely to have strong businesses. 

We also believe that we all need to constantly grow our connections and we love to help people to do this.

Family values are so important to us, and we extend this to the way we lead our community. We believe strongly in the power of love and know that love can exist between businesspeople when they are in the right environment where their human emotional needs to be met. BIPPers are like family to one another and to us, always wanting the best for each other. Business is lonely and for 25 years we have dedicated ourselves to reducing loneliness in business.

We would be delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you.

with love


What happens when I am interested?
We will receive your email of interest and book in a call with you. We want to allow 90 minutes for the call. Although, if it is agreed that we are not right, then the call can be shorter! During this exploratory call, we will want to know you, not only your business, but how you are personally, and discover the ways we can add the most value to you.

Do I have a contract?
We ask that you aim for at least one year of membership, paid either upfront on using our monthly payment plan,  as it takes time to settle in and for others to see your value and you to see theirs. We are on a journey together, hopefully for a life-time. You can, however, leave when ever you want and cancel your fees to BIP100.
Why don’t you have more than 100 members? 
We have learned the power of deep relationships and how that can have an amazing impact on people’s happiness and success. We have studied the ultimate community size to enable trust and closeness and believe 100 is the maximum you can have.
Why do people leave?
For some people, being in a community doesn’t work, they are not able to open up and make friendships that last, they are transactional and are seeking a fast ROI, others leave due to change in life circumstances.
How would I settle in and meet people? 
We start with a 90-minute Onboarding coaching and familiarisation session with Penny and she records a video with you about you and introduces you to everyone. There is a strong culture of 121s and people are keen to get to know all new members. Penny also runs a monthly Induction Session on Zoom and there are many Zoom events and the London lunches to get to know people fast.
What if I dislike networking? 
Networking has a reputation of elevator pitches and hustling for business, this can make many of us feel nervous and lacking in confidence. This is why we build community, think of it like a village with a pub in it, with a very welcoming landlord and a friendly group of new friends.
What is the main benefit to joining?
Our intention is that BIP100 helps you grow your business while also growing in peace, joy and happiness. The way we support and deliver our services is so diverse as we see the uniqueness in everyone, this is why we believe ‘Business Is Personal’. Our survey shows that members love the 121 friendships they form that enables business conversations as well as personal ones. Our most popular Zoom events are the weekly Flow Coaching and our Wellbeing Sessions. Our next most popular is the Skills Sessions, delivered by the Members, sharing their knowledge and being spotlighted. Additionally, we run networking sessions which Thomas facilitates and our lunches in London are attended by over 35 BIPPers each month. 
How often should I attend the Zooms and lunches?
There is no obligation to attend the events we run, we suggest you attend them when you can as you will get huge value from them and it is always great to see your fellow BIPPers and get to know them. We also love that the Zooms are interactive, and you will get the opportunity to ask for advice or give some. 
How much does the lunch in London cost?
We run these monthly, on the 3rd Thursday, in a cordoned off area of this 4 star hotel's restaurant. The tickets are £80 inclusive of your welcome drink, three course lunch, VAT and service (additional drinks not included. Prices will change if they increase the costs to us). We do not profit from these events; in fact we subsidise the cost a little to help keep the price as low as possible.
Who is in your team?
There are 7 in our team that help us run BIP100. Thomas and Penny, Business Manager, PA, Bookkeeping and two experts that run the weekly Flow and Wellbeing Coaching.
Where are your members based?
We are International, the majority are based around the M25 in the UK, we have a few members in the USA and Europe. We deliver our service across 9 timezones.
What are the BIP100 Values
We have a Values Document that we can share with you. Our core values are ‘growth, love, kindness and contribution.
How many members do you recruit each month?
On average we bring about 3-5 members in a month. It is hard to find the right people and for us to be right for everyone that applies, so we take our time and also ensure that we don’t overwhelm the existing members with new people. They want to have time to welcome and know you.
What do your members do?
Most of our members are service-driven experts. They average in age around late 40s. We have some in their 30s and even one in his 80s. Some have built and exited businesses and are seeking ways to do their next business, some have businesses that are established and rolling well, some have recently left corporate life and are establishing themselves and their business. All are diverse and we try to ensure that there is no duplicated expertise, although, when we explore this everyone has their niche.

If you have any further questions then please don't hesitate to contact us at 

Start your BIP100 journey today

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